The effective integration of both components depends on context factors such as learning goals, target group, size of the target group, and/or content. Blended services have attracted renewed interest in the light of the new demands on European education and job market systems led by increasing numbers of international comers arriving in Europe (Castaño-Muñoz, J., et al., 2018).
In South Savo, the
blending service model of the KATE project offers a tailor-made
training and employment plan for international comers based on their
educational background and work experience. By understanding and capturing the
requirements of working life, this model creates a value chain for every project participant in terms of education and employment paths. The educational pathway is going to be built and
supported through studying counselling, educational cards (hygiene passports and occupational safety cards) and apprenticeship contracts. The work pathway is going to be
supported among other things by job coaching and counseling, and by familiarizing with
Finnish working practices and rules. A very important pillar of our services is
business establishment counselling, whereas business ideas are evaluated and
possibly supported at every stage of business building. The project services are
provided mostly by our team, but also they are bought from external providers.
As for the digital services, project' participants and other
interested parties can contact us directly through our website chat, Outside working hours we answer within 24 hours.
For entrepreneurs, the website provide up-to-date information on, among other
things, the employment of a foreign employee. Our objective is also pilot different types of digital tools (for example video interaction) through which clients can easily contact us.
KATE project works closely with
other projects as well as with regional, national, and international actors dealing
with the employment of international comers. Tight collaboration avoids
duplication and fragmentation of services, and enables us to create a
functional and easy-to-use service model for our target group.
KATE project is funded by
the European Social Fund and the South Savo ELY Center (Otava Opisto is the
coordinator, and Mikkeli Development Company Miksei Oy is the co-partner). The
duration of the project is 1.1.2019-30.6.2021.
Ruth Boelens, R., Van Laer, S., De Wever, B., and Jan Elen (2015). Blended learning in adult
education: towards a definition of blended learning.
Ruth Boelens, R., Van Laer, S., De Wever, B., and Jan Elen (2015). Blended learning in adult
education: towards a definition of blended learning.
J., Colucci, E., and H. Smidt (2018). Free digital learning for inclusion of
and refugees in Europe: a
qualitative analysis of three types of learning purposes.
International Review of Research in
Open and Distributed Learning. Vol. 19 (2), 1-21.